you want to know how to play the PS4 on the laptop screen with HDMI? Connection of PS4 to the laptop screen is a difficult task to do, and it requires functional specifications on the laptop. You cannot connect PS4 directly to your laptop because of unidirectional HDMI port, which means it can take either input or output.
The PS4 comes with an HDMI port, but it does not mean you can directly connect the game with the laptop. The HDMI port on the laptop is an output port, similarly, an HDMI port on PS4, is also an output port. However, requirements demand that a laptop must have a video input and an HDMI input. This makes connecting the PS4 to the laptop a little tricky.
Steps- How to Play PS4 on Laptop Screen with HDMI?
The first step is to enable file sharing that leads you to the settings in the PS4 menu and look for Network Settings. After doing this, go to the Internet connection settings and locate your actual router and connect it. If you do not have a wireless connection, then do not worry, there are alternative methods. Just connect the PS4 console and laptop to the router by using an Ethernet cable. Now you can stream between the two.
The next step is very significant because in this step you must have an external video card that will make the connection between a laptop and a PS4 workable.
Now, in this step, connect or attach an external video card with your laptop using an USB port. It will include a combined make up as an S-video connection. And make sure you have installed the software came with a video card for the proper function of the card.
Now you have to connect the PS4 console to the capture card. To connect the video card to the PS4, use the HDMI-IN and HDMI-OUT. Connect the HDMI-IN and HDMI-OUT to the video card and PS4. This will make a connection between the video card and a PS4.
After performing the steps above, open the application software that came with the video card and you have installed before and by opening it, power up your PS4. The software will look for the connection of PS4, and then it will exhibit it on the laptop screen. Ensure that the application is in full-screen mode and display the full resolution.
By following the above five simple steps, you will play the PS4 on your laptop with HDMI with sufficient feasibility and speed.
Steps for the Working of Remote Play
At first, you must download the Sony remote play application on your laptop. This application will help you to stream your gameplay onto your laptop screen.
Enable one of your PS4 as the main console. For this, turn your PS4 on and go to the settings and then head towards the PS Network settings> account management, where you have to look for Enable as Primary PS4 and activate it. Also, update your PS4 software to 3.50.
Now enable the PS4 remote option of your PS4 settings. For this, go to settings and then to remote play connection settings and enable it. It will turn on the PS4.
Enable the rest mode. It is normally enabled by default, but it would be good to go in the settings and check.
Now you have to switch to a remote play application on a laptop. On the upper left corner of the application, you will see the option of settings. There you will adjust settings such as frames per second and a resolution.
By using a USB cable or wireless Dual Shock 4, connect the controller to a laptop. For combining the controllers, hold down share and the circular PlayStation buttons on your controller till the light bar starts flashing on the controller and plug in the USB adapter to your laptop and keep it in a pushing position for at least 3 to 4 seconds. Congratulate, your controller are paired now.
Now you will be offered with a start option on your remote play application. You must log in into it. This application will search for the PS4 option and then it will lead you to the PS4’s home screen. And the more interesting thing is that you can still use your laptop for other purposes as well.
To turn off the PS4, you must press down the PlayStation button on the DUALSHOCK 4 controller, then go to the power settings and enter rest mode. This will terminate your connection.
By using the remote play method, you will have more eligibility and enjoy rather than fatigue.